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Village of Claiborne
Claiborne, Maryland
"Waiting for the Second Coming of the Ferry"
Strategic Plan for the Claiborne Association
2023 Looking Ahead - Approved: 10-17-24
Since its inception in 2012, the Claiborne Association, a 501C(3) led by a volunteer Board of Directors, has been committed to promoting the general welfare of the Claiborne community.
Over their first thirteen years they have 1) acquired and renovated the Village Hall, 2) established a Resilience Center in the Hall, 3) created an active and inclusive series of programs and performances, and 4), most importantly, maintained the spirit and special character of this unique waterfront community.
Now it is time to consider the next chapter— the long-term sustainability of the Association and the Village Hall. As the Claibornites who led the initial efforts to establish the Association and renovate the church into the Village Hall get older and move away and the urgency of renovating the Hall subsides, new questions arise: Who are our next leaders? Who will continue to advance the
Association’s mission? Why is the Association still needed and useful? How do we ensure both the financial and human resources to continue?
In 2022 an ad hoc committee convened to consider these issues and propose strategies and initiatives to address them. The members of the committee:
Reviewed the last strategic plan and the results of previous focus groups
Analyzed the CA’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, (SWOT).
Reviewed and refreshed the CA’s Mission, Vision, and Values
Conducted three focus groups focusing on the finances, property, programs, and organizational structure of the Association.
Surveyed the Claiborne community focusing on similar topics
After reviewing and considering the responses and the goals, the committee offers a strategic plan for the next 3-5 years focused on priorities and initiatives that sustain the efforts of the Claiborne Association to promote the well-being of the entire community and “keep Claiborne Claiborne” for the next decade.
Claiborne Association, Inc.* is committed to maintaining Claiborne’s heritage as a significant waterfront community and to enhancing the life of the village for the future.
The Claiborne Association remains a vibrant and financially viable organization that provides programs and activities that enhance community cohesion and support for those in need. The Village Hall remains the center of community life with regularly scheduled shared meals, musical events, dances, theatrical, and related events.
We believe in:
Building a community of belonging and respecting differences.
Harnessing the power of community to address critical issues and consider new ideas.
Supporting an aging population while engaging younger residents.
Preserving and protecting the natural environment and the historic waterfront community.
1) Ensure Financial and Organizational Stability
Identify & prioritize needs at Village Hall-annual maintenance. Identify & obtain cost estimates for any new work or projects anticipated.
Create a multi-year budget informed by a needs assessment.
Appoint and support a Development Committee to develop a plan for sustainable fundraising efforts that match the actual cost of operation.
Build the Endowment.
Strengthen stewardship efforts.
Review organizational structure and clarify roles and responsibilities.
Identify future committee chairs and board members.
2) Increase Engagement and Community Building
Expand communications:
About the community itself – history, culture, how to connect, resiliency, etc.
About the Claiborne Association- its functions, process and benefit to the community.
To elicit feedback from the community about interests, suggestions, needs.
Enhance communication between the board and the community.
Engage more volunteers in leadership roles and special projects.
Offer more programs targeted at a broader age range.
Create a special initiative to involve the entire community.
Clarify Association membership expectations and benefits.
3) Strengthen Connections between the Association and the Greater Claiborne Community
Promote regular welcome activities.
Do more outreach and create more opportunities for interaction.
Invite community’s input on new strategic plan.[1]
[1] It is essential that the entire community have a voice and a stake in planning for Claiborne’s future.